Monday, April 16, 2012

The Feminist Within

Coming from a long line of gunsmiths, blacksmiths, and silversmiths, it was almost expected of me to go into the housewife role and hold the house together for the successful men in my family. My mother did just this, she was a very strong woman. She raised nine wonderful children and stuck with my father through thick and thin. As my father became a successful silversmith and pawnbroker, my mother made sure to teach me and my sisters about the corrupt British woman society. My mother liked top give us trust and freedom. When I was a young girl, she would allow me to roam the town and explore the local salt marshes, beach, and sail maker's yard. This was a rare freedom to give a young girl even to this day.

 A few years ago, my sister Milicent became apart of the Langham Place Circle for women's suffrage. She has since become a very well known leader for the London National Society for Women's Suffrage. I am extremely proud of her. I new she had it in her to make a difference. My good friend, Emily Davies, and I were able to get over 1500 signatures on our petition for head of the household woman to be given a vote. I feel as if it is my duty to bring light to woman suffrage because I am making groundbreaking accomplishments for women of my time.

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