Monday, April 16, 2012

Medical Qulaifications

I decided to spend six months as a hospital nurse at Middlesex Hospital in London in 1860. I did my best as nurse and I was allowed to attend an outpatients' clinic and observe operations. I attempted to enroll in the hospital's Medical School, but was refused. They did give me the opportunity to attend private tuition in Latin. Greek, and meteria medica with the hospital's apothecary. I did this as I was working as a nurse. I hired a tutor for myself to study anatomy and physiology. I did this three evenings a week. I was eventually granted access to the dissecting room and chemistry lectures. The male students did not like my presence in their classroom. I was obliged to leave Middlesex Hospital, but I left with an honors certificate in chemistry and materia medica.

I applied to several medical schools including, Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow, and the Royal College of Surgeons. All of these schools rejected me. I was left on my own, so I privately obtained a certificate in anatomy and physiology. In 1862, I was finally admitted for private study by the Society of Apothecaries. Over the next three years, I struggled to get qualified and I studied privately with various professors. In 1865, I took my exam and obtained my license to practice medicine. I ranked highest in the class on the exam.

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